Thursday, July 16, 2015

This is not your Grandma Class anymore!!

 This week I went to a senior aerobic workout class with my mother. In my mind, I thought I was in for a hour long class where everyone do aerobic moves while sitting in a chair. Once I walked through the door, I knew this would not be anything how I thought it was going to be. I walked in  with my mother and the room filled with a roar of good mornings and hellos towards my mother and I.

We went over to the front table and sign in and pay our $2. My mom walked me around to say hi to everyone. Once the teacher walked in everyone found them a chair and got ready to stretch. The teacher was full of life and energy. The class stood up and worked out to a up beat song.

The class did low impact moves, yet it was very fun and you really don't think this class was for seniors. The last 15 minutes the teacher was leading the class in a ballroom line dance and the "Wobble" hustle. Once the class was over, the teacher lead the class in a cool down mediation and prayer.

As the youngest person in the room, I was amaze how fun and positive the class was for me. The class itself is a community of support and love. Any time someone miss a class everyone notice it and check on them. I am help my mom is apart of this group. They go on trips and other fun activities. You will be surprise the wonderful gems you find at your local community center. I suggest you go to your community center and check out the classes they offer.

Intro in to my story

Hello my wonderful readers,

This is a new thing I want to try out here. Once a week starting this week, I will start to post a story and every week I will give you a little bit more of the story, and if you like the story, make sure you follow my blog and click the join button and be the first know when I post a new part of the story. Any ideas or comments feel free to leave them down below on the story respected posts.