Sunday, January 24, 2016

The night I was saved by the 90s

     It started out to be just a regular night out, just me and my boyfriend,yet it turn out to be uncontrollable fun. As we waited outside to get into St.Andrew Hall, we was just talking about how we both needed to just relax and distress from the past busy work week. We both was under the impression it was just going to be your normal club party,but we was so wrong.

     Once we walked into the hall, you hear DJ Bet (the DJ for the night) spinning all the goodies from the 1990's. This made sense to me since it said Saved By the 90s on our tickets. My boyfriend goes to talk to the DJ which I found is one of my boyfriend's coworkers. Now the music is blasting and people all in the venue  and huddle over at one of the two bars. People dancing and looking at all the cool 90's fashions. We danced and shared fond memories that were attach to certain songs that where playing all around us, when we hear the theme to Save By The Bell comes on over the speakers. That's when the crowed went crazy, and now I feel like I am missing something.

DJ Bet
     The Band Save By the 90s COMES OUT! YO! IT WAS A BAND! I was so shocked. I didn't know it was a band and neither did my boyfriend. The fellas started to play all the great songs of my young life. They played a little Green Day, Smash mouth and more. It was beautiful how great the crowd was how everyone was dancing with everyone and sharing memories of a decade that had long passed. In that moment I relived all those nights watching MTV and watching all of those videos. Then they had their female singer comes out, she started to sing "I'm just a girl" by No Doubt.

     They finish their first set and told us to tweet the band on twitter with any request for the second set. DJ Bet came back and keep the party going. The night was a blast, and something totally different than I thought it would be. With everything that is going on in the world, expectantly with racism, to look around at a crowed room and see everybody getting along with one and other and sharing life stories through music was great.

     The band comes back out to do their second set. During the set they showed some city love by performing a song from our local artist. I'm not telling what song or who but I post a video below that answer that question.

 They really rocked the stage. The unknown fact about Saturday night is that was my first time seeing a live band concert.  All in all, I had a great time and would tell anyone if Saved By the 90s is in their town to go see them and they will not regret it. I know I don't. Make sure you follow the band on Twitter and Instagram @SavedBythe90s and let the band know I sent you. Rock on from the Rock City.