Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Story time Featuring Queen Moon

This is a new feature here on A word with Jhonzalee. I will post at least once a week a new part of the story. I want all my readers to be a part of the story and leave all your thoughts and comments in the comment section of this story. Please share the site on all your social media sites. Enjoy the story.

The day has started, yet I'm mentally still asleep. I got out of the bed slowly, so I can give my mind time to catch up with my body. It's been that way ever since I found out that I was pregnant 5 months ago.  I am jumping ahead of myself, so Let me start from the beginning.  My name is Lora Madison yet I go by Zara Moon. I'm your typical young adult living in the big city. I love to go out with my friends. If I am not out with my friends, I am in my small apartment. I love to be at home and enjoy my own space. I do have a boyfriend, but I love being by myself. My boyfriend Mikey is super sweet and loving, yet He always working. I always spend time by myself anyway.
 One day while I was out getting take out, I ran into this guy who calls himself T -Moon. I couldn't stop looking at him. I don't know what it was about him, could it be his light gray eyes, beautiful long dark hair, or his handsome smile? We talked while we waited for our respective orders. I felt like I was being pulled towards him. Once his order was done he slipped me this small piece of paper that had nothing on it. I just put it in my purse and smiled. I grabbed my order and went home. I just knew I wouldn't see T-Moon again…. I was so wrong.  Three days later I just got home from a date with my boyfriend, but I couldn't enjoy myself all I could do was think about T-Moon. I sat on my bed and search through my purse for the piece of paper he gave me, but I couldn't find it. As I started to feel sad and upset about losing the piece of paper, my phone rings with no number on the caller ID. I answer the phone thinking maybe my phone was broken.
    "Hello Lora Darling," The male voice said
    "Mikey?" I answered
    "No? Meet me at 21179 Main Street in 20 minutes." He said.
    "I'm a half hour away!!" I yelled
    "20 minutes Darling," He said as he hung up.
I was shocked cause I was actually getting ready to meet a stranger at a random house. I plug the address into my GPS and started on my way. I don't know if I was super lucky, but I got green lights the whole way there and it seemed that no one was on the expressway. I pulled up to the address and it was a regular house no differ from any house on the street. I walked up to the door fixing my lipstick when the door opened on its own. I walked in, yet I wasn't afraid. I walked straight to the back of the house. I open the door to the most beautiful room I had ever seen. Then T-Moon showed up from an unknown location. He looked more handsome than he did when I first saw him. He had on a red and black smoking jacket with black pants with his hair going down to the middle of his back.
    "Told you Darling 20 minutes." He said to me as he called me to him.
    "Yes you did," I said smiling walking towards him.
    "You are beautiful and I have not stop thinking about you since we meet. You will be mine. Tonight is the night you will understand true love and love making" He whispered to me as he embraced me. With every touch, I fell more in love with this total stranger. He couldn't keep his hands off me which is something I am not used to. He kept looking into my eyes. He looked into my eyes with power, sensitive, and love. He caresses my chin and leaned into my lips. That was the most powerful kiss I had ever experience.
     "Are you ready my love?" T-Moon whispered to me
     "Yes" I nodded
He led me over to an area of the room that for some reason I didn't notice when I had first come into the room. It was a fancy Victorian style bed with blood red bedding. I didn't even notice that I was completely naked. We laid on the bed kissing passionately when he rolled me on top. It felt like it was my first time all over again, but it was far from it. I felt him growing inside me yet no movement was happening, but the feeling was there. I couldn't keep my hands to myself, and T-Moon has a strong grab on my wrist as he pinned me down and kissed on my necked as he filled my body with his essence. Our sweat mixes as it was mixing on our bodies and bed sheets. As we continued to make steamy and passionate love, the sun started to come up. The roomed started to spin, the room filled with smoke, my body started to shake uncontrollably, and an electrical shock ran through my body. When I finally was able to come to my senses again, I realize the house I was in was an empty house and I was laid out on a blanket on the floor. I grab my clothes and purse praying that I still had a car when I went outside. I found a note inside my car and it was from T-Moon.
  "Lora, Darling, last night was the best of my life. You are now mine and I am yours. One day I will tell you my whole truth, yet until then I will keep in touch with you by phone. Signed your Loving Husband T-Moon"
Did he just say, husband, because I have a boyfriend so I can't have a husband, right? As I sat in my car and realized that I'm almost late for work. I rushed to work before I would be late. The whole day I couldn't do anything but think about the mind-blowing sex I had the night before.  After work I'm sitting in my car outside my apartment, my mind keeps replaying the night before and I couldn't stop it and to be honest, I really don't want it to stop. I go inside to make my dinner and try to relax. I ate and took a long hot bubble bath while I was drying myself off my phone rings.
    "Darling, I miss you. I will be home in 20 minutes. Be ready to receive me, my love." T-Moon swoon on the phone.
    "Wait! You do not know where I live. What's the big deal with you and 20 minutes?" I asked.
    "You mean our home Darling. It only takes 20 minutes to get to your lover's side." He told me.  He hung up before I could say anything. I was shocked that he knew where I lived, but at the same time, I can't wait to see him. I just met him, yet I fell in love with him. I ran and put on my sexiest lingerie I own. Just like he said 20 minutes on the dot he was standing in my house at the door.
    "Hello Darling, you miss me?" He said looking at me seductively.
    "Hi?" I said not sure what to really say to him. He looked at me with the moon shining in his eyes. He looked more handsome than the last time I saw him. He pulled me into a kiss. He started rubbing my back going down to my butt, and he started to kiss on my neck and biting on my ear. Before I could let my body fall into its own pleasure, He whispers to me "It's time my love." He grabbed my hand and lead me into my bedroom. He was so tender with me and time stopped. I didn't think it could happen but the sex was better than before. He kept whispering through our whole time together that he loved me. Once again the room filled up with smoke, the room was spinning, and my bed started to shake. I couldn't even focus on his face. I woke up naked on my bedroom floor. I couldn't figure out how I end up on the floor. I looked around and I couldn't find a trace of T-Moon anywhere. I looked at the clock and it was after one in the morning. I sat on my bed and just couldn't help the feeling of this was right and this is what I was missing in my life. I took a shower and walked into my kitchen wrapped in my towel, and I saw a letter from T-Moon on my fridge and it stated:
     "Lora, darling, I fixed you something for you to eat and I placed it in the fridge. Tonight you were more relax and aggressive, and I loved it so I know you will need your strength for today. I will see you soon my loving wife. Sign your loving Husband"

I open the fridge and saw this great plate of food. It was a salad, a steak, and baked potato, yet I do not know how he cooked the food because I had none of the items in my fridge nor did I smell any food cooking. I warmed up the food and sat down to eat when my boyfriend Mikey called me.
    "Lora? Are you ok?" Mikey asked
    "Yes, baby" I answered.
    ‘What's been going on with you lately? You have been acting weird. Can I come over?" He asked.
    "Sure," I said as I hung up. I don't know what he could want. Mikey comes to my apartment and hugged me and gave me a big kiss. It was like when we first met. I couldn't help it because I was feeling super sexual. I lead him into the bedroom and started to have sex with my boyfriend, yet in the back of my mind I felt like T-Moon was watching me and was mad that I was cheating on him, but he's not my husband for real, right?

 Two months had passed and every day the same thing happen. T-Moon would come over to my place and we would have the world melting sex and then he would be gone once I woke up. I looked at my phone and saw my mensural tracker popped up a message that it's been 60 days since my last period and I need to make a doctor appointment. I thought nothing of it because I had a period but just forgotten to plug it into my phone, well I hope that's the case. I went on as usual for the rest of the day until I notice it was five in the morning and I have not heard from T-Moon. That's not to him at all, and I have to say I'm a little concern about him. I called the last number he called me from yet it was disconnected. All of sudden I got feverishly hot, and the room was spinning around me and I didn't know where all this is coming from. I fell to my knees praying that I don't die this way. Three days later I woke in a cold white room. I looked around me to try to figure out where I could be.
     "Good Afternoon Ms. Madison, I see you finally woke up." A woman said to me.
    "Who are you? Where am I ?" I asked her. She looked at me with these crazy green eyes.  I thought maybe I had said something wrong.
   "Ms. Madison you are in the hospital. You have been here for three days now, " she told me. I guess she saw the worry in my eyes then she said: "Don't worry, it was a little shaky, but the baby is ok now." I could have passed out again. I can't believe what I heard. "I'm pregnant? How can this be? I didn't know." She just passed me on the back and walked out the door. I can't believe it as I held my stomach. I always wanted to be a mother just thought it would happen after I was married and own my own business. No one can know this and I mean no one. I called the nurse back into the room. I ask her to make sure no one knew about this baby. I wanted to be the first person to tell T-Moon.  I don't even know if he would be happy to hear a baby. I'm so worried, and would Mikey say about all this. I guess I have to tell Mikey about me, T-Moon and now the baby. I can't believe my life has turned out this way in just a few months. After three weeks in the hospital, I was sent home. I'm happy I had a lot of personal and vacation days at work.  The whole time I was in the hospital T-Moon would visit me at night. He never told me why he only came after the sun went down. He was super excited about the baby, but because we were not married he couldn't tell his family about us and the baby. Now that I was home he still shows up and takes very good care of me and the baby.
 After a week of being at home from the hospital, T-Moon came over like usual, yet he was more serious. "Lora Darling, I can not be seen with this baby. My family is very old fashion and will not be understanding since we are not married in their eyes. With all of that said, you must allow Mike to believe that the child is his own and allow him to raise it until we are married. " He said to me like a teacher telling her class they have a large report due. I couldn't believe my ears. "How can you say that? This is YOUR CHILD!!!! How can you just give our baby and me to another man? I thought you love me." I said through my tears. He just stood there with his eyes locked on to me. He held my face in his hand and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. "My love, I know you upset and I am too, but we have to keep a level head. I am only saying to allow this to happen for the safety of our child and you. As soon as I can I will marry you and we will be a family as the universe has planned us to be. I must go back to my motherland and handle some business with my family and I will be back and it will be when I come and bring you and the baby back to meet my family and make you my bride." He said as he kissed my belly and walked out the door. I had so many emotions going through my head and heart. I can't believe I'm seven months pregnant and losing the love of my life and father of my child. Now, what happen to get me into this mess is all I could think as I continue to look at my front door. I can't believe this is happening to me now of all the times and moments it could of happen, but it chose to pick now. I had a good life before I met him, and now my whole life is turned upside down. I been home this whole time and never told Mikey that I was with child, yet I don't think I want to tell him about the baby. Now I have no choice.

 I just stayed in my bed for a few days not because the doctors told me to take it easy yet because of how upset I was with my baby's father I wanted to make sure nothing did not happen to my child. Mikey has been very supportive towards me. I been lying and telling him that I sprang my ankle and couldn't get up. I know you may be thinking how did he not see my growing belly? While easy I hide it behind pillows, doors, counters, and anything else I could use. I'm just not ready to tell him what's going on, but I know soon I'm going to have to tell him. For now, I'm just going to sit back and accept his help now cause once he finds out I do not get this help again. I still cannot believe I am with a child as I looked at my 27-week belly. Yes, I'm seven months along at this point. I forgot to tell you all that when I was in the hospital I was already five months going on six months. I guess that is why I am still in shock over this baby. How come no one told me that I am I getting bigger or I just did not look the same as I have in the past. This is just so much for me to take in, and I just want to wake up from this nightmare.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Power of Makeup

The Power of Makeup

The power of makeup is not just a hot trend on YouTube, but it is a form of self-expression. Makeup has the power to change not just how an individual look but how they feel. Using makeup to change your physical appearance have been around for centuries. The power makeup has over the public will always change, due to the popularity of a certain trend or technic that is used in makeup.

 I was always around make up all of my life, but it did not make me a girly girl or as some call Barbie girl. Once I got to college, that all changed. I was tired of being seen as a tomboy or unfeminine to the people around me. I always been a plus size woman and social standards can be very demanding for the plus size citizens. I wanted to learn all I can do to change that. I started to ask around to all my friends that wore makeup and asked them all I could about makeup plus I even asked one of my friends' mom about cosmetics and brushes. I want to see what the power of makeup could do for me.

 One day one of my friends suggested that I go on YouTube and look up makeup videos and tutorials on how to apply makeup for different occasions. I started to look up videos and most of the video was from women who do not look like myself. I decided to look for videos that stared women that looked like me. I came across a video by MsCreativeDiva and I was hooked to her videos. I had to watch all her videos. I just couldn't stop watching them. Every day after school I would watch her videos, and after work and during lunch break I would watch her videos. I couldn't stop watching her and trying to do the same looks she was doing, yet it never looks like her videos but I keep trying.

The power of makeup has giving me the one thing that was buried way deep inside of me, and that thing was my confidence. Now I show my confidence even when I do not have on my makeup because of makeup I can pull it out with or without it. I also learn that sometimes somethings so simple as makeup can go you the power to pull something out of you that you didn’t know you had.

Check out MsCreativeDiva on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/MsCreativeDiva

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Boyfriend/Girlfriend Tag with Dj Eric Da King

My boyfriend and I did the girlfriend and boyfriend tag our way. Here is a little look into what makes me who I am and who the man I love truly is as a man. Enjoy and leave and questions that you would like for us to answer in the next video.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Interview with Royalty

Photo by  The Yellow Wall 
DJ Eric DA King is an up and coming DJ from Detroit, Michigan. He attended Martin Luther King Jr. High School. After few years of attending Wayne State University, his passion for music exploded into his love of Djing. He is a DJ full of energy, fun, and waiting for the track to drop. DJ Eric DA King wants to spread his love for music and having a great time among the masses. I finally got a chance to sit down with this humble young man for a one on one interview, and a better insight on this great new talent. Follow him on Instagram : @erictheking08

1.    When did you fall in love with music?
 When I was little. Music was always around me as I grew up. One of the many reasons I enjoy old school music.
2.    What’s your favorite genre of music to play? And why?
I like to play Hip Hop and Techno. I like the hard base of many Hip Hop songs and I like the different styles and sounds of Techno and plus Techno was made in Detroit.
3.    Who would you say is your biggest influence? And why?
My biggest influence is my girlfriend. She was the one to motivate me to go into Djing. Also DJ Bet helped me by showing me the ropes on what kind of gear I need as a DJ, and DJ Head also showed me all the basic skills and knowledge I need to help me on my journey as a DJ.

4.    Do you believe growing up in Detroit gives you a different style of Djing? And what would you call your style?
Yes, I do, and since I’m still young in the DJ game I would say my style is still evolving and changing every day, so as of right now I say my style is like a Transformer.

5.    What is the most important thing or person that keeps you moving forward when you have a bad day or performance? And how does it help you?

I always remind myself that there is a new day coming, and to just focus on improving my craft. It helps me not to live in the past.

6.    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself owning my own entertainment company, and helping other up and coming DJ just like I had other DJ to help me. I see myself touring and performing for thousands at a time.
7.    Where do you go to get motivation and what do you once you get there?

I have a small quiet place at home that I go to, and I just put my headphones on and let the music take me away.

8.    What is your go to song when you are Djing to get the crowed rocking? And why is this your go to song?

Cha Cha slide has been my go to song lately, yet my style is always changing so for right now that is my go to song.

9.    If you could eternally be stuck in one year's music scene, which year would it be?

I would choose late 80’s or early 90’s because everything was like powerful and had a movement. We celebrated our culture, and they had messages in the music that still stands today. Plus, there was great story telling in the music.

10. What is one track that never gets old for you no matter how many times you hear it?

It would be Detroit’s Jit songs. I can never get tired of those songs.

11. What is one track that got popular that you can't stand?

BeyoncĂ©’s song “If I was a Boy” would be that track for me. I don’t like those type of songs because it does not make sense to me.

12. What festivals would you most like to play at?

Detroit’s Techno fest because Detroit started techno and It is one biggest festivals in the city. I also want to play for River Days in Detroit.

13.  Before you go, how did you get your name “DJ Eric DA King” and do it have a special meaning to you?

My first name is Eric, and I went to Martin Luther King Jr High School and I am a Leo which Lions are known as “The King of the Jungle”. Yes, it does have a special meaning to me. When I hear my name it makes me feel like royalty.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mississippi: Where Smiles live

 Mississippi joined the Union as the 20th state in 1817, and the name of the state came from the Mississippi River, which makes up the western border of the state. Early citizens of the state which will became Mississippi included the Choctaw, Natchez, and Chickasaw. Spanish explorers arrived in the area in 1540, but it was the French who made the first permanent settlement in present-day Mississippi in 1699. During the first half of the 19th century, Mississippi was the top cotton producer in the United States, and owners of large plantations depended on the labor of black slaves. Mississippi left the Union in 1861 and suffered greatly during the American Civil War. Despite the abolition of slavery, racial discrimination endured in Mississippi, and the state was a battleground of the Civil Rights Movement in the mid-20th century. In the early 21st century, Mississippi ranked among America’s poorest states. 
    Last week I along with my boyfriend travel down to Jackson (the state capital) Mississippi. The visit was due to the fact that my younger sister was graduating high school. From Detroit to Jackson is a 14-hour car ride, in which my boyfriend and I endured. Once we enter the great southern state, we start to notice the difference. As we the main interstate the is I-55, it seems to us that if you wanted to go anywhere in the state you had to take that route. It was my boyfriend’s first time in Mississippi, and I could not wait to see how he would react to the city. I been to Mississippi twice in my life, and I call Mississippi my second home because my family starts from Clarksdale and Lyons, Mississippi. 
    After we saw the “Welcome to Mississippi” sign on the interstate, we still had two hours left before we reached our hotel. We saw countless big rigs on the road as we drove to our hotel. My boyfriend loved to look at the houses we drove by. Once an hour pass, we both was ready to be just out of the car after thirteen hours in the car. We pulled over to fill the car and switch drivers. Another hour to go in the car, I never wanted to lay down in a bed in my life. We stayed at the Regency Hotel in Jackson, and it was minutes away from downtown. The outside of the hotel could turn some people off, yet once we walked in it was beautiful and gives a courtyard in Italy vibe. At the front desk, they sell little snacks and personal items anyone could need during their stay there. The staff was super nice and friendly, and that is something we are not used to in Detroit. Our room was nice, clean, and cool.  
    During our time in Mississippi, we notice the big cultural differences between Detroit, Michigan and Jackson, Mississippi. In the south, manners rules. What I mean about manners rules is the citizens are always friendly, smiling, saying please and thank you, and in Detroit the citizens use their manners as well, yet due to the cultural differences and climate they do not use them as often as they do in the south. 

    The trip was super fun because I got a chance to see how life moves so fast, yet enjoy the moments to slow down and look around you and enjoy the scenery. I strongly love the idea of people getting out of their home state and spend time in another state. Go for a drive, train, or take a flight and enjoy the state or city for its natural beauty and find out what the locals do for fun. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The night I was saved by the 90s

     It started out to be just a regular night out, just me and my boyfriend,yet it turn out to be uncontrollable fun. As we waited outside to get into St.Andrew Hall, we was just talking about how we both needed to just relax and distress from the past busy work week. We both was under the impression it was just going to be your normal club party,but we was so wrong.

     Once we walked into the hall, you hear DJ Bet (the DJ for the night) spinning all the goodies from the 1990's. This made sense to me since it said Saved By the 90s on our tickets. My boyfriend goes to talk to the DJ which I found is one of my boyfriend's coworkers. Now the music is blasting and people all in the venue  and huddle over at one of the two bars. People dancing and looking at all the cool 90's fashions. We danced and shared fond memories that were attach to certain songs that where playing all around us, when we hear the theme to Save By The Bell comes on over the speakers. That's when the crowed went crazy, and now I feel like I am missing something.

DJ Bet
     The Band Save By the 90s COMES OUT! YO! IT WAS A BAND! I was so shocked. I didn't know it was a band and neither did my boyfriend. The fellas started to play all the great songs of my young life. They played a little Green Day, Smash mouth and more. It was beautiful how great the crowd was how everyone was dancing with everyone and sharing memories of a decade that had long passed. In that moment I relived all those nights watching MTV and watching all of those videos. Then they had their female singer comes out, she started to sing "I'm just a girl" by No Doubt.

     They finish their first set and told us to tweet the band on twitter with any request for the second set. DJ Bet came back and keep the party going. The night was a blast, and something totally different than I thought it would be. With everything that is going on in the world, expectantly with racism, to look around at a crowed room and see everybody getting along with one and other and sharing life stories through music was great.

     The band comes back out to do their second set. During the set they showed some city love by performing a song from our local artist. I'm not telling what song or who but I post a video below that answer that question.

 They really rocked the stage. The unknown fact about Saturday night is that was my first time seeing a live band concert.  All in all, I had a great time and would tell anyone if Saved By the 90s is in their town to go see them and they will not regret it. I know I don't. Make sure you follow the band on Twitter and Instagram @SavedBythe90s and let the band know I sent you. Rock on from the Rock City.