Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thank you to all my readers !!!!

As of July 6th of this year, my blog has been up and running for a whole year. I just want to thank each and everyone of you that take the time out to read my post, recommend my blog to other and just for your support over this last year. I want to thank you for all your kind words and comments. I want to thank the people who do not have faith in what I'm doing for that is motivating me to keep going and to place my city into a brighter and positive light. I represent my city every where I and in everything I do. at the bottom you will find two links to YouTube videos where I represent not just myself but my blog and my city.
my letter is at 1:45 in this video


my letter is at 1:35

 To anyone reading this that may have people being negative towards your dreams or goals, just tell them to spell your name right.


  1. Love the blog and the way you write. Keep up the good work girl!

  2. that's the attitude! love this post. and congrats on your active blog. :)
