Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Mrs. Carter Show, Detroit Dedication

Even Beyonce , Mrs Carter herself can see nothing can stop us.  Start doing things to change the problem and push on. Don't sit and whine about what's wrong or who is in office or  who have the power of the city. If you don't like it change it!  As my dad use to tell me " someone made it off the boat, someone made it off the plantation, so no matter what you come up against there is no reason for you not making it" I love my home town and I started this blog because I became tired of seeing negative reports about Detroit in Detroit and on the national scale. I understand the city have major issues that need to be taken care of in the best way possible, but all the killing, attacks, and stealing have to stop. This blog is to uplift my city and bring light to the good and positive things that are here in Detroit. Detroit help build this country car by car, so don't let this city go down in ruins. I'm doing my part by showing all the good in the city. Mark Wahlberg have an interview on a late night showing saying how he had to convince his wife to come and vacation here, and the only reason she didn't want to come is because of what she heard about us on the news. He got her to come and she enjoy her time here. People, yes we have crime and money issues, but name one city or state in this country that do not have the same problems or worst. I say this to say I love my hometown. Detroit made me and now it's time to remake Detroit

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