Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What is a "Friend" to you?

What are friends to you? No, I'm not talking about these friends, but

according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the word means:
a :  one attached to another by affection or esteem
b :  acquaintance
                                                                                             a :  one that is not hostile
                                                                                b :  one that is of the same nation, party, or group
                                                                                  :  one that favors or promotes something (as a charity)
                                                   :  a favored companion

Do you agree with this definition? I do in part. Yes, your friends are attach to you by affection. If something happen to your friend or even when they get sick, you always there to help them feel better. I don't agree so much with the esteem part because I do not understand what they mean by "esteem" in this content. 

By this definition, your mate can be called a "friend". This question came to my mind as I was hanging out with a long time best friend of mine. I always wonder how do we pick are friends. Is it true that our friends represent a part of us that we are not allowed to show do to our position in society? I also wonder what make you no longer want to be friends with someone. There are many different question that can come about with this definition, but I know for a fact in my case that my friends are my family, clear-mind in a storm, and shoulder to cry on. I could go on and on about this topic, but I want to hear from you.
In the comments tell me what the word "friend" mean to you.

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